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  1. Meaning of differentiation/derived function.
  2. Differentiation from the first principle.
  3. Standard derivatives of some basic functions.


The process of finding the differential coefficient of a function is called differentiation. Differentiation deals with the measure of the rate of change in a particular function when some quantities in the function is either increased or decreased. For example, given the function \(y = f(x) \), a change in \( x\) will produce a corresponding change in \(y\). When \(y\) is increased, \(x\) is bound to increase in proportion and vice versa. Note: The reverse of differentiation is integration.



The method of finding the derivative of a function from definition is called differentiation from the first principle.  Note: A change in \(x\) to  \(x +  Δx \) produces a corresponding change in \(y \)  to \(y +  Δy \).

Example 1:

Differentiate the following from the first principle

(a) \(y = 2x + 5\)

(b) \(y = x^2 \)


(a) \(y = 2x + 5\)

Take increment in both \(x\) and \(y\).

Lesson tags: General Mathematics Lesson Notes, General Mathematics Objective Questions, SS3 General Mathematics, SS3 General Mathematics Evaluation Questions, SS3 General Mathematics Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS3 General Mathematics Objective Questions, SS3 General Mathematics Objective Questions Second Term, SS3 General Mathematics Second Term
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