1. Origin of Drama and Theatre
  2. Introduction to Drama and Theatre
  3. Definitions of Drama
  4. Definitions/Meaning of Theatre
  5. People Involved in Drama
  6. Elements of Drama

Origin of Drama and Theatre (Mimesis, Ritual and Storytelling)

The origins of theatre have been traced to myth and rituals found in dances and mimed performances by masked dancers during fertility rites and other ceremonies that marked important passages in life. Early societies acted out patterns of life, death, and rebirth associated with the welfare of village tribes. Imitation, costumes, masks, makeup, gesture, dance, music, and pantomime were some of the theatrical elements found in early rituals. At some unrecorded time, these ceremonies and rituals became formalized in dramatic festivals and spread from Greece to the western world and from India to the eastern world. Some scholars claim that it may have originated from African primitive folklore, traditional customs, tales or saying, preserved orally among a people.

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