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  1. The Meaning of Drug
  2. Meaning of Drug Abuse
  3. Types of Drugs that Can be Abused
  4. Common Ways of Abusing Drugs


The Meaning of Drug

The term drug is very complex. To the pharmacist, it is a chemical preparation for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of diseases or ailments. For the lay man, it is a medicine. However, a drug can be defined as any chemical or biological substance, which when taken into the body, by any means whatsoever changes the functions of the body or behavior of the person/user. If it changes the functioning positively, it is called medicine, but when the change is negative, it is referred to as drug.

Meaning of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse refers to the use, especially by self-administration, of any drug in a manner that deviates from approved medical or social pattern with a given culture or society. Simply put, drug is abused when it is taken without medical prescription. It involves indiscriminate use of any drug.

According to the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), a drug is said to be abused when;

  1. Its use is not medically necessary or for non-medical purpose.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, SS2 Civic Education, SS2 Civic Education Evaluation Questions, SS2 Civic Education Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 Civic Education Objective Questions, SS2 Civic Education Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 Civic Education Second Term
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