- Meaning of Economic Grouping
- The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- History of ECOWAS
- Member Countries of ECOWAS
- Aims and Objectives of ECOWAS
- The Organs of ECOWAS
- Achievements of ECOWAS
- Problems of ECOWAS
- Some Advantages or Gains Derivable from ECOWAS
Meaning of Economic Grouping
Economic grouping may be defined as the coming together of different countries with a common economic interest and goals with a view to promoting economic cooperation and development among member States. It also protects and promotes the economic and business interest of members as well as stimulating the socio-economic cum cultural development and cooperation among members.
In the West African sub-region, some of the economic groupings in existence include:
- Economic Community of West African States,
- The Lake Chad Basin Commission,
- Niger Basin Commission
- West African Clearing House etc.
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Formation of ECOWAS
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was formed purposely to promote cooperation, development and economic integration of the West African sub-region.
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