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  1. History and Membership of the Lake Chad Basin Commission
  2. Aims and Objectives of the Chad Basin Commission
  3. Achievements and Problems of the Chad Basin Commission


History and Membership of the Lake Chad Basin Commission

The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) is an organization set up to foster co-operation among countries sharing a common border with Lake Chad with respect to the usage of the Chad.

The Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) came into existence on 22nd May, 1964 when the heads of state of Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroun met at N’Djamena, Chad and signed a treaty formally establishing the commission. The Chad basin is a very large lake which shares borders with four countries. The commission is funded by contributions from the member nations.

Membership of the Lake Chad Basin Commission

The members on Lake Chad Basin Commission consist of the countries that share a common border with Lake Chad. They include

(i) Chad

(ii) Niger

(iii) Nigeria and

(iv) Cameroun

Other members include:

(v) Central African Republic – joined in 1996

(vi) Lybia was admitted in 2008

(vii) Sudan – Chosen for their proximity


Aims and Objectives of the Chad Basin Commission

The aims and objectives of the commission are as follows.

Lesson tags: Commerce Lesson Notes, Commerce Objective Questions, SS3 Commerce, SS3 Commerce Evaluation Questions, SS3 Commerce Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS3 Commerce Objective Questions, SS3 Commerce Objective Questions Second Term, SS3 Commerce Second Term
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