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  1. Young’s Modulus Law of Elasticity
  2. Work Done in Springs and Elastic String
  3. Elastic Potential Energy


Young’s Modulus Law of Elasticity

Suppose a wire of length ℓ (m) and cross-sectional area A (m2) is extended through e (m) by a force F (N).

(a) The ratio of the force to the area, F/A is called the stress or ‘tensile’ of the elastic material.

Stress = \(\frac{F}{A}\)………(1)

(b) The ratio of the extension, e to the original length, ℓ of the wire i.e e is called the tensile strain of the wire.

\ Strain = \(\frac{e}{ℓ}\)……… (2)

From (1) F = stress × A ……….(3)

From (2) e = Strain × ℓ ………(4)

By Hooke’s law, F = ke

\ Stress × A = k × Strain × ℓ

\ \(\frac{Stress}{A}\) = kℓ × strain \(\frac{Stress}{A}\)

\ Stress = k1 strain where k1 =

\(\frac{Constant}{A}\) = kℓ

Stress = k1 ……….(5)



Stress a Strain

Hence Hooke’s law can also be stated as follows:

The tensile stress of the material is directly proportional to its tensile strain provided the elastic limit is not exceeded

The constant of proportionality, k1 (see equation (5) above) is called.

Lesson tags: Physics Lesson Notes, Physics Objective Questions, SS1 Physics, SS1 Physics Evaluation Questions, SS1 Physics Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 Physics Objective Questions, SS1 Physics Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 Physics Second Term
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