You must complete Election and Voter Responsibilities to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Meaning of Election
  2. Basic Qualifications For Election
  3. Responsibilities of a Voter


Meaning of Election

Election is the process of choosing or selecting leaders through voting to represent the people in various government offices.

Basic Qualifications For Election

  1. The person must be up to 18 years of age or older.
  2. The person must be a Nigeria citizen either by birth, naturalization, or registration.
  3. The person must be sane i.e who is not mentally derailed.
  4. He must be residing in the country for a period of time.
  5. He must be a registered voter before the actual election takes place.
  6. Such a voter participating in an election must never have been convicted for a criminal offence.
  7. The voter must also be paying his tax when due.
  8. Such a person must be loyal to the country and be law abiding, etc.

 Responsibilities of a Voter

  1. He must come out and register before the actual election takes place.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Evaluation Questions, Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS2 Civic Education, JSS2 Civic Education Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Civic Education Objective Questions, JSS2 Civic Education Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Civic Education Third Term
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