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  1. The Concept of Empowerment
  2. Empowerment Strategies
  3. The Objectives of Empowerment


The Concept of Empowerment

Empowerment means to enable someone to have control over their own situation; to give someone the authority to do something. It is an economic and labour concept which also entails the impartation of labourial skills and sensitivity to an able-bodied, mentally-fit individual or group of individuals to enable them participate in the harnessing and distribution of economic and social resources for meaningful self-benefits and the improvement of society. Therefore to empower an individual means to train, educate, or cause him to acquire a means of livelihood or skill in order to enable him to live usefully and optimally in the society.

Empowerment Strategies

We can empower people through the following:

  1. Educating them: This entails giving them the needed basic education. This introduces them to life-coping skills and allows them the benefit of socializing with the world around them.
  2. Teaching them entrepreneurial skills: This involves training them on various trades, occupations and professions.

Lesson tags: Civic Education Lesson Notes, Civic Education Objective Questions, SS1 Civic Education, SS1 Civic Education Evaluation Questions, SS1 Civic Education Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Civic Education First Term, SS1 Civic Education Objective Questions, SS1 Civic Education Objective Questions First Term
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