You must complete JSS1 English Studies Third Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Consonant Clusters
  2. Structure: Pronouns
  3. Composition: Informal Letters
  4. Literature: Poetry – More on Figures of Speech

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Consonant Clusters

Describing Consonant Clusters

Consonant clusters refer to a situation where a word begins with two or three consonants or ends with two, three or four consonants.  Note that, no vowel sound intervenes between consonant clusters.

Recognizing the Forms of Clusters 

There are three forms of consonant clusters namely;

  1. Two consonant clusters
  2. Three consonant clusters
  3. Four consonant clusters
Two Consonant Clusters

Three Consonant Clusters

Practising Consonant Clusters

Pronounce the following words that comprise consonant clusters.


  1. What is a consonant cluster?
  2. Give three (3) examples each of two (2) of them at the initial and final positions.

ASPECT: Structure

TOPIC: Pronouns – Forms and Positions of Pronouns

Definition of Pronouns

A pronoun takes the place of a noun “pro” is a Latin prefix meaning for.

Lesson tags: English Studies Lesson Notes, English Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 English Studies, JSS1 English Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 English Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 English Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 English Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 English Studies Third Term
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