You must complete Position, Distance and Displacement II to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Velocity – Time v-t Graph
  2. Relative Motion
  3. Derivations of Equation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
  4. Derivation of Equations of Uniform Motion
  5. Application of the Equations of Uniform Accelerating Bodies
  6. Motion of Bodies Under Gravity


Velocity – Time v-t Graph

1. Gradient of a v-t graph = acceleration

\(acceleration = gradient \\ = {\text{change in velocity} \over \text{change in time}} \\ acceleration (a) = \frac{Δv}{Δt}\)

2. Area under a v-t graph = distance.

  1. Total distance covered during the motion = area of trapezium 0edc
  2. Distance covered during acceleration = area of triangle 0ea
  3. Distance covered during constant velocity = area of rectangle aedb
  4. Distance covered during deceleration = area of triangle bdc
  5. Acceleration = slope of line 0e, \(a = \frac{ae}{0a}\)
  6. Deceleration =  slope of dc, \(-a = \frac{bd}{bc}\)

Example 1:

A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to 15ms-1 in 5 s.

Lesson tags: Physics Lesson Notes, Physics Objective Questions, SS2 Physics, SS2 Physics Evaluation Questions, SS2 Physics Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 Physics First Term, SS2 Physics Objective Questions, SS2 Physics Objective Questions First Term
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