1. Estimation of Dimensions and Distances
  2. Estimation of Capacity and Mass of Objects
  3. Estimation of Other Things e.g Time, Age, Squares and Square Root
  4. Quantitative Reasoning Involving Estimation

Estimation of Dimensions and Distances

Estimation is making a guess of the nearly correct calculations and distances, weights, prices or capacity of things without the actual measurements or calculations. Estimations help us to have a rough idea of the answer when we add, subtract, multiply or divide any given quantity.

Sometimes rounding off and approximations are used in making an estimation.

Examples of estimations are as follows:

  1. The mass of my friend is \(200kg\).
  2. The distance of this school from my house is \(3\) kilometers.
  3. The weight of our teacher’s table is \(500\) grammes.

When physical quantities are measured, they need to be expressed in standard units of measurement. A unit is therefore a standard used in the measurement of a physical quantity. These physical quantities are length, mass, time, capacity and even currency.


This is a linear measure of length.

Lesson tags: JSS1 Mathematics, JSS1 Mathematics Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Mathematics Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 Mathematics Objective Questions, JSS1 Mathematics Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 Mathematics Second Term, Mathematics Lesson Notes, Mathematics Objective Questions
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