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  1. Examples of Conflict
  2. Causes and Consequences of Conflicts.



  1. Inter-personal misunderstanding
  2. Intra-national/inter-ethnic conflicts
  3. Communal/intra-ethnic conflicts
  4. Labour Union and government.
  5. Conflicts between students and college administrators, and between university staff and government

INTER-PERSONAL MISUNDERSTANDING: This conflict involves two persons or individuals. It usually occurs as a result of misunderstanding between two persons. If this conflict is within an individual, it is then called intra-personal conflict; and this happen when an individual takes a wrong decision or make a wrong choice.

INTRA-NATIONAL/INTER-ETHNIC CONFLICT: This is a type of conflict that takes place within a nation, between two different ethnic groups. Typical examples Nigeria includes; Urhobo/Itsekiri and Izon conflicts, Kataf and Hausa conflict, Yoruba and Hausa conflict, Hausa and Igbo conflict, Yoruba and Itsekiri conflict etc.

COMMUNAL/INTRA-ETHNIC CONFLICT: This is when two communities of the same ethnic group have conflict. Examples in Nigeria are; Ife and Modakeke conflict, Aguleri and Umuleri or Ezza and Ezzillo conflicts.

LABOUR UNION AND GOVERNMENT: There are many labour unions in Nigeria.

Lesson tags: JSS3 Social Studies, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Social Studies First Term, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions First Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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