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  1. Meaning of Exhibition
  2. Preparation of Artwork for Display
  3. Display Techniques


Meaning of Exhibition

Exhibition is the art of displaying artworks for people to appreciate and purchase. Exhibitions have become the accepted and standard way of displaying artworks for public or special audience viewing. Each artwork in an exhibition is called an exhibit.

Preparation of Artwork for Display

Artworks have to be prepared and made presentable to meet exhibition goals. These steps include: fixing, mounting, framing and labeling

  1. Fixing: This is usually the first step in preserving charcoal, pencil, pastel and poster color works. Fixing is the application of transparent coat over the artwork. The substance used in fixing is called fixative. It prevents smudging and gives some protection to the artworks.
  2. Paper stretching: This is part of framing and mainly for paper works. It means gumming or sticking to a board. Affordable mounts are usually colored cardboard sheets. These stuck colored sheets most times replace framing of artworks. Professional artists use special materials that are thicker than ordinary cardboard sheets.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Third Term
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