You must complete Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis to unlock this Lesson.




  1. Extraction of Iron
  2. Types and Uses of Iron
  3. Rusting of Iron and Methods of Prevention
  4. Alloys
  5. Uses of alloys


  1. Extraction of Aluminium
  2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Aliminium
  3. Uses of Aluminium



Iron is a 3-d, block metal and transition element with atomic number 26. It has the symbol Fe with electronic configuration of 2, 8,14, 2 Iron is the second most abundant metal found in the earth crust. It is often found as iron ore. Examples include haematite (Fe O4) the commonness magnetite (Fe O4), pyrites (Fe S3), spathic or siderite iron ore (Fe CO3), limonite (FeO3. H2O). It is present as trioxosilicates (iv) in clay soils. It is found in animal haemoglobin and plant chlorophyll. It can be found in Nigeria Anambra, Kogi and Edo state.

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