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  1. Calcium: Extraction of Calcium; Physical and Chemical Properties of Calcium; Uses of Calcium and Calcium Compounds
  2. Tin: Extraction of Tin; Physical and Chemical Properties of Tin; Uses of Tin
  3. Transition Metals: Definition of Transition Metals; Physical and Chemical Properties of Transition Metals
  4. Copper (Cu); Extraction of Copper; Physical and Chemical Properties of Copper; Test for Copper (I) Ion; Uses of Copper



Definition of Calcium

Calcium is too reactive to occur as free metals in nature. Instead it occurs abundantly in the state as Calcium trioxocabonate (iv) (CaCO3), in limestone marble, chalk, aragonite, calcite and coral; as calciumtetraoxosulphate (vi) (CaSO4) in gympsum and anhydrite, as doubletrioxocarbonate (iv) CaCO3. MgCO3. In dolomite; as calcium fluoride CaF2, in fluorspar and as various trioxosilicates (iv). Bones and teeth contain calcium tetraoxo-sulphate (v).

Extraction of Calcium

Since calcium compounds are very stable, metallic calcium is commonly extracted electronically from fused calcium chloride, a fluoride is usually added to the fused calcium chloride to lower the melting point from 850oC to about 650oC.

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