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  1. Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria
  2. Table Showing Terms Associated With Some Farm Animals

Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria

The population of certain kinds of farm animal is more in certain areas than in others. There are factors responsible. Up to 80% of grazing livestock is to be found in the savanna zone of northern Nigeria. This is because of the following factors: 1. Food/Availability of good pasture: This constitutes the bulk of the feed of livestock. Large expanse of grassland is abundant in northern Nigeria, and for this reason there is greater population of cattle, sheep and goats, which graze on the pasture grasses and legumes found in this area than in southern Nigeria. 2. Climate: Animal production is usually affected adversely by too hot or too cold weather conditions. For instance, pigs do not have sweat glands, so they do not perspire; rearing them in a hot climate will greatly reduce their efficiency. Moreover, the growth and multiplication of pests and diseases is also encouraged by high temperature and rainfall, and this hinders the growth and performance of livestock.

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