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  1. Factors Affecting Land Availability and Uses

Factors Affecting Land Availability and Uses

Many factor affect land availability and uses in Nigeria. Some of these are;
  1. Land tenure system
  2. Population pressure
  3. The size of useful land in the country
  4. Climatic factors
  5. Soil factors
  6. Cultivation practices
  7. Cultural practices
  8. Topography
  9. Government policy
  10. Religious beliefs
  11. Environmental pollution

(i) Land tenure system

Land tenure is the system of land ownership including the rights and obligations governing its acquisition and disposal. The prevailing system of land ownership in Nigeria does not encourage prospective farmers to acquire large hectares of land because the actual owners feel that their young ones are being robbed o f their inheritance.In Nigeria, land is mostly acquired through inheritance and shared among the beneficiaries ,due to fragmentation of land it becomes difficult to carryout large scale farming. Similarly communal land tenure does not make land available for agriculture too. Land is jointly owned by community. At times, government holds such land in trust for the community and later releases such land for building industrial layout ,thus making lands unavailable for agricultural activities.

(ii) Population Pressure

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Agricultural Science First Term, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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