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  1. Meaning of Labour
  2. Characteristics of Labour
  3. Forms/Sources of Labour Available to Farmers
  4. Importance of Labour in Agricultur
  5. Agricultural Activities that Require Labour

Meaning of Labour

Labour refers to all forms of human effort (mental and physical) put into production of goods and services. Factors of Production - Labour

Characteristics of Labour

The characteristics of labour include the following:
  1. Labour is mobile
  2. Labour has feelings and emotions and cannot be used anyhow.
  3. It is a variable and not a fixed asset.
Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Agricultural Science Third Term
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