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  1. A Decree to Worship the King (Daniel 6:1-9)
  2. Daniel Expresses His Faith in God (Daniel 6:10-15)
  3. Daniel in the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6:11-18)
  4. The Power of God Manifested (Daniel 6:19-24)
  5. Effects of Daniel’s Faith (Daniel 6:19-24)
  6. Qualities of Daniel (Daniel 1:3-8; 6:3-5; 10:16; 6:22-23)


A Decree to Worship the King (Daniel 6:1-9)

Daniel was one of the Jewish captives taken to Babylon. While in Babylon, his faithfulness, honesty and peculiar divine endowment made him to progress in that foreign land.

King Darius had divided his kingdom into one hundred and twenty provinces for administrative convenience. Each of these provinces was headed by a Satrap (i.e. a governor). He further appointed three presidents to oversee these Satraps. Daniel happened to be one of the three presidents. He distinguished himself and became popular in the kingdom and the most favoured of the three presidents because he was filled with an excellent spirit. The king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. This move by the king attracted jealousy and hatred against Daniel from the other presidents and Satraps hence they sought ways of bringing him into disrepute before the king, so as to bring his downfall.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 CRS Third Term
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