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  1. Meaning of Disease
  2. Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock

Meaning of Disease

Disease means a change in the normal functions or well-being of farm animals which results in observable symptoms. OR It is an illness, unhealthy or abnormal condition in the body of farm animals.

Groups of Disease Causing Organisms of Livestock

There are many types of disease causing organisms which attack farm animals. These organisms include;
  1. bacteria,
  2. fungi,
  3. virus,
  4. protozoan and
  5. metazoan.

1. Bacterial Diseases

These are diseases caused by bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled micro-organisms. Examples of bacterial diseases of farm animals include:

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science, JSS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, JSS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Agricultural Science Second Term
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