- Meaning of Food Purchasing
- Factors to Consider when Buying Food
- Wise Buying Practices
- Importance of Buying Good Quality of Foodstuffs
Meaning of Food Purchasing
Food purchasing is the process of buying food from various places of sales of food items usually open markets, supermarkets or groceries according to the needs of the number of people in the family and money at hand. Ready to eat foods are usually bought and eaten in fast food outlet, eateries, hotels and restaurants. Readily prepared foods are also bought and taken away as desired by the consumer.
Factors to Consider when Buying Food
- Size of the family: A family of three persons will require less food than a large family of ten.
- The family food needs: it is necessary to consider the nutritional needs of the family, their food preferences, likes and dislikes. Some members may have dietary restrictions based on health.
- Food preservation and storage facilities available to the family.
- Quality of food: It is important to buy a good quality foodstuff.
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