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Forms of Database

Flat File Database is a database designed around a single table, it puts all database information in one table or list with fields to represent all parameters.

The classic example of a flat file database is a basic name-and-address list, where the database consists of a small, fixed number of fields: Name, Address, and phone Number.

Another example is a simple HTML table, consisting of rows and columns. This type of database is routinely encountered, although often not expressly recognised as a database.

Relational Database is a database that group data using common attributes found in data set. It can also be described as a collection of relations that are frequently considered to be part of the database, as they help to organise and structure the data, in addition to forcing the database to conform to a set of requirements.

For example, a set containing all students coming resuming from Lagos in the school can be group be their classes, sex, surname etc. Such a group uses the relational model. THE software used to do the grouping is called a relational database management system.

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