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  1. The Meaning of Democracy
  2. The Types of Democracy
  3. The Main Features of Democracy


The Meaning of Democracy

Democracy is simply defined as a system of government in which the people govern themselves directly or through freely chosen representatives who make decisions on their behalf. It may also be defined, according to Abraham Lincoln, as the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The word democracy actually originated from two Greek words demos meaning people, and kratos, meaning the power to rule


The Types of Democracy

There are basically two types of democracy namely:

  1. Direct democracy: This is a type of democracy in which everybody participates directly in the decision making process. This is was the case in the ancient Greek city state of Athens because of their small population.
  2. Indirect or representative democracy: This is a type of democracy in which the people elect representatives and leaders who make decisions on their behalf.

Lesson tags: Government Lesson Notes, Government Objective Questions, SS1 Government, SS1 Government Evaluation Questions, SS1 Government Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Government First Term, SS1 Government Objective Questions, SS1 Government Objective Questions First Term
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