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(a) Types of functions (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many)

(b) Function as a mapping

(c) Determination of the rule of a given mapping/function.


A mapping is simply an association or a relation between two sets

A function is a relation in which each element of the domain has one and only one image in the co-domain. One-to-one and many-to-one relation are therefore functions.


  1. If there exists at least an element in the domain that does not have an image in the co-domain, then it is not a mapping.
  2. If an element in the domain has 2 or more images in co-domain, then it is not a mapping.

Thus, for a relation to be a mapping; it must be that:

*Every element of the domain has an image in the co-domain

*The image of every element of the domain is unique

Note: All functions are relations but not all relations are functions







Many – to – many relation is not a function since some elements of the domain have more than one image.

Lesson tags: General Mathematics Lesson Notes, General Mathematics Objective Questions, SS2 General Mathematics, SS2 General Mathematics Evaluation Questions, SS2 General Mathematics Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 General Mathematics Objective Questions, SS2 General Mathematics Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 General Mathematics Third Term
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