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  1. Licensed Chemical Vendors.
  2. Responsibilities of Licensed Chemical Vendors.
  3. Handling and Distribution of Chemicals.
  4. Effects of Wrong Handling of Chemicals.
  5. When Production Ends.


Licensed Chemical Vendors

These are those under license to sell or distribute chemicals to various manufacturers. They are also known as chemical distributors. They process, formulate, blend, re-package, warehouse, transport and market chemical products under license.


  1. National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD).
  2. Melvyn Nickson Nigeria Limited
  3. Chemical Industry GIG Business Premiums Nigeria Limited
  4. Johnson Wax Nigeria Limited
  5. Global sterling products Limited.

Responsibilities of Licensed Chemical Vendors

They have the following responsibilities:

  1. They enhance the professionalism and stewardship of chemical distribution.
  2. They process their products and provide value-added services to their customers in a professional and responsible manner.
  3. They are actively engaged in various phases of importation and exportation of chemical.
  4. They are committed to responsible distribution in every phase of chemical storage, handling, transportation and disposal of chemicals.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Business Studies First Term, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions First Term
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