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  1. Music Before the 17th Century (Renaissance Period)
  2. General Characteristics of the Music of the Renaissance Period


Music Before the 17th Century (Renaissance Period)

The renaissance period covered the years 1400 – 1600. The term renaissance means ‘rebirth’, which characterized the new designs of architecture, sculpture, painting and music of that period. This period was remarkably referred to as the “Golden Age of Polyphony” because of the over-growing importance of polyphony. The term ‘polyphony’ refers to “many-voices” music, usually of the contrapuntal type. Thus, five-part polyphonic music was very commonly practiced.

General Characteristics of the Music of the Renaissance Period

Some of the major characteristics of the music of the renaissance period are as follows:

  1. Music printing was introduced and it helped in the spread of music literature.
  2. There was a change from the previous diatonic modality to use of major and minor keys.
  3. Secular music in creased in importance.
  4. Liturgical music was composed.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Music, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Objective Questions, JSS2 Music Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Third Term, Music Lesson Notes, Music Objective Questions
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