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Musical Periods and Some Major Composers

  • Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600)
  • Baroque Period (1600 – 1750)
  • Classical Period (1750 – 1820)
  • Romantic Period (1820 – 1900)
  • Modern Period or 20th Century Period (1900 to Date)


Musical Periods and Some Major Composers

The historical development of Western music is divided into stages, popularly referred to as “musical periods”. Apart from the early musical periods from B.C. to 1400 A.D., there are such periods as:

Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600)

Some great composers of Renaissance period include:

  1. Palestrina (1525 – 1594)
  2. William Byrd (1543 – 1623)
  3. Monteverdi (1567 – 1643)
  4. Prez
  5. Lassus (1532 – 1594)
  6. Gabrieli (1510 – 1586)

Baroque Period (1600 – 1750)

Some great composers of this period were as follows:

  1. S. Bach (1685 – 1750)
  2. F.Handel (1685 – 1759)
  3. Henry purcell (1658 – 1695)
  4. Antonio Vivaldi (1676 – 1741)
  5. Jean Baptiste Lully (1632 – 1687)
  6. Allessandro Scarlatti (1660 – 1725)


  1. Write the two musical periods listed in this lesson
  2. In which musical period did palestrina live?

Lesson tags: JSS2 Music, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Objective Questions, JSS2 Music Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Music Third Term, Music Lesson Notes, Music Objective Questions
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