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  1. Meaning of Impartiality
  2. All Human Beings are Equal before God
  3. Warning against Prejudice/James’ Teaching on Partiality (James 2: 1-13)
  4. The “Golden Rule” (Matt. 7:12; Luke 6:31)
  5. Negative Effects of Nepotism, Fabouritism and Tribalism in the Society


Meaning of Impartiality

Impartiality is a virtue that recognises equality and brotherhood of men, irrespective of race, social background and influence. It encourages progress, peace and unity.                                                    


  1. What is impartiality?


All Human Beings are Equal before God

This means that everybody created by God are equal before Him. Our God does not discriminate. Every human being made by God Almighty has a living body, soul and spirit equipped with all five senses. This goes to show that God made all things beautiful and all men are equal before God. (Genesis 1:26-28)


Warning against Prejudice/James’ Teaching on Partiality (James 2: 1-13)

James advised all Christians to do away with any act of impartiality in the Church. He said that partiality can manifest when well-dressed and poorly-dressed individuals go to Church and the poorly-dressed person is asked to stand up for the well-dressed person.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Third Term
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