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  1. Meaning of Literary Appreciation
  2. Terms Used in Literary Appreciation


Meaning of Literary Appreciation

Literary appreciation means the employment of already existing tools for literary analysis. There are various terms that provide a ready guide for such appreciations in Literature, among which are:


Terms Used in Literary Appreciation

1. Subject Matter:

It reveals the main intention behind the writing and could center on any area of human life whether of love or hatred, happiness or sympathy, anxiety or joy.

2. Theme:

This is the central idea that runs through any piece of literary work. Some themes center on social, political, religious or philosophical issues of life.

3. Plot:

The plot is the logical arrangement or presentation of events from one stage to another. The events are so arranged in chronological order. Plot can be either episodic or organic. Organic plots are arranged holistically while episodic plots are arranged serially.

4. Setting:

This is the environment or place where a play or other work of literature is situated.

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