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  1. Meaning of Irrigation System
  2. Importance of Irrigation System
  3. Problems of Irrigation System
  4. Types of Irrigation System

Meaning of Irrigation System

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of supplying moisture for plant growth. This is because water is the most important determining factor in crop production  

Importance of Irrigation System

Irrigation is important in agriculture for the following reasons:
  1. Provision of moisture necessary for plant growth.
  2. It increases yield of crops.
  3. It improves microbial decomposition of organic matter to release crop nutrients.
  4. It cools the soil temperature in the hot and dry season.
  5. It reduces harmful accumulated salt in the soil.
  6. It makes for all year round cultivation and crop production.
  7. It facilitates seed germination and enable the crops to be well established when rainfall is not steady.
  8. It reduces the hazard of soil caking.
  9. It stabilizes the farmer’s economy since production is not seasonal or erratic.

Problems of Irrigation System

The following are the problems of irrigation system:

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 Agricultural Science First Term, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS2 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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