You must complete JSS1 English Studies Second Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Diphthongs /ai/, /au/, /ᴐi/ and /uə/
  2. Structure: Determiners (Meaning, Types and Functions)
  3. Comprehension/Vocabulary Development: Writing Skills
  4. Composition: Expository Essay (Paragraph Development)
  5. Literature: More Work on Figures of Speech

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Diphthongs /ai/, /au/, /ᴐi/ and /uə/

Vowel Sound /ai/

Description of the Vowel Sound /ai/

This is a closing diphthong with glide movements of the tongue from /a/ sound to /i/ sound. The phonetic symbol of the sound represents the sound of the following underlined letter(s) in their respective words/expressions.

Spelling Symbols for the Vowel Sound /ai/

ai         as in aisle

ei         as in eiderdown, either, eire etc

eigh      as in sleigh, sleight, height etc

eye       as in eye, eyes, etc

i           as in write, climb, trite, bite, etc.

Lesson tags: English Studies Lesson Notes, English Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 English Studies, JSS1 English Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 English Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS1 English Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 English Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS1 English Studies Second Term
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