You must complete JSS1 English Studies Third Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Stress
  2. Structure: Verbs (Passive Verbs)
  3. Comprehension: The New Alhaji
  4. Composition: Expository Essay
  5. Literature: Figures of Speech and Literary Terms in Recommended Poems


ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Stress – Stress Patterns

Stress occurs in different places in a word, and this, we call stress pattern.

Stress Patterns

1. In words of two syllables, the first syllable is stressed if the words are nouns.

E.g.: STUdent, PICture, MOther, TEAcher, FAther, BUtcher, TAIlor, VENdor, TRAder, DOCtor, WORker, DRIver, BUILder, FARmer, LAWyer, etc.

2. In words of two syllables, the second syllable is stressed if the words are verbs.

E.g.: dePEND, aCHIEVE, proTECT, exPLAIN, inSULT, exPORT, apPROACH, etc.

3. Generally, in English, any syllable which contains /∂/ (shwa) should not be stressed.

E.g.: aWAY, TAIlor, aGO, DOCtor, aLLOW,

4. Stress can also be placed on the third syllable of words.

E.g.: uniVERsity, typoGRAphical, elecTRIcity, psychoLOgical, distriBUtion, etc.

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