1. Speech Work: Long and Short Vowel Contrasts /i:/and /i/; /a:/ and /ᴐ:/
  2. Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour and Sound
  3. Structure: Prepositions
  4. Reading Comprehension: ‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC Book 3, pages 8 – 10);
  5. Composition: Narrative Essay (Writing an Outline of an Essay) ‘The Happiest Day of my Life’
  6. Literature: Elements of Fiction and Non-fiction (Character, Mood, Style, Plot, etc).

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Long and Short Vowel Contrasts /i:/ and /i/; /a:/ and /æ/

Based on the force of articulation or length, vowels are usually classified as either long or short. Long vowels are recognized by the colon [:] in front of the symbol. There are 5 long vowels and 7 short vowels in the English language. Examples include:

/i:/ and /I/

This vowel is found in sit and seat respectively. These sounds only differ in the length of pronunciation and in production, the mouth is opened and the lips are spread.

Lesson tags: English Studies Lesson Notes, English Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 English Studies, JSS3 English Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 English Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 English Studies First Term, JSS3 English Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 English Studies Objective Questions First Term
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