- Speech Work: Consonant Sound /h/
- Vocabulary Development: Prefixes (Word Building using Antonyms)
- Comprehension: ‘Before you Build your House’ (NOSEC, pages 101 – 102)
- Structure: Expressing Ability (using can, be able, to be capable of)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Consonant Sound /h/
Description of the Consonant Sound /h/
The /h/ sound only occurs before a vowel. It is produced by expelling air from the mouth (not the mouth). The sound is therefore not voiced. If you can blow out a candle with your mouth open, you can easily produce the /h/ sound. Some Nigerians do not have the /h/ sound in their own language. Other speakers sometimes ‘drop’ the /h/, or use it in the wrong place.
Listen and repeat:
Where h is voiced e.g. house, help, hen, etc. Voiceless – hour, honour, hones, etc)
/h/ voiced
house, home, harrow hat, help, hen, horse, hospital, etc.
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