- Speech Work: Diphthongs and Monophthongs in Contrast
- Vocabulary Development: Antonyms III
- Reading Comprehension: ‘This is Lagos’ (NOSEC, 48 – 50)
- Structure: Expressing Intention and Permission (using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mind)
- Descriptive Essay: Travelling by Air (Oral Discussion)
- Literature: Revising Poetry (use recommended text)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Diphthongs and Monophthongs in Contrast
Monophthongs (Pure Vowels)
- /i: / e.g. beat, seat, neat, etc.
- /i/ e.g. bit, sit nymph
- /e/ e.g. bed, bread, said
- /æ/ e.g. cat, lack, pack
- /a: / e.g. car, dart, calm, heart
- / ɒ / e.g.
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