You must complete JSS3 English Studies Second Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Diphthongs (Revision)
  2. Speech Work: Consonant Contrast /s/ and /ʒ/
  3. Vocabulary Development: Suffixes – Verb Derivations
  4. Structure: Adverbials
  5. Composition: Article Writing
  6. Literature: Types of Poetry

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Diphthongs (Revision)

Meaning of Diphthongs

Diphthong is a Greek word which means “double sound”. The articulation of diphthongs involves a glide from one vowel quality to the other. A diphthong is therefore a vowel which changes its quality in the process of its articulation.

/ei/ e.g.   gate, cake, take, place, date, gauge etc.

/əᴜ/ e.g.  home, go, owl, own, road, load, coat etc

/ai/ e.g.  high, buy, five, rice, write, kite, fry, price etc.

/au/ e.g.  how, cloud, out, house, blouse, browse etc.

/Ɔi/ e.g.  boy, joy, toy, oil, toil coin, boil etc .

/iə/ e.g.  here, ear, idea, fear, beer ,rear etc.

/eə/ e.g.  air, their, where, hair, fair etc

/ᴜә/ e.g.  during, pure, sure, tour…


Indicate the diphthong used in the following words e.g.

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