You must complete JSS3 English Studies Second Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Nasal Sounds /m/,  /n/ and /ŋ/
  2. Vocabulary Development: Suffixes (Adjective Derivations)
  3. Structure: Question Tags
  4. Composition: Informal Letters

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Nasal Sounds /m/,  /n/ and /ŋ/

The nasal sounds are produced as a result of closure in the mouth and the airflow escaped through the nose. The examples are stated below:


man, moon, make, name, bomb, claim, frame, lame, damn, hymn, condemn, bomb, comb, dumb, climb, plumb, crumb, grammar, commission, etc.

  1. In the following words, ‘m’ and not ‘b’ is the end sound even though ‘b’ can be seen. It is not pronounced. Plumb, dumb, climb, comb, tomb, bomb, numb, lamb, crumb.
  2. More so, ‘m’ is the end sound of these words and not ‘n’. Hymn, condemn, solemn.


name, nose, neck, new, note, stone, brain, gnash, gnat, gnaw, know, knowledge, knot, knit, knew, manner, banner, nanny, funnel, cranny, etc.

Lesson tags: English Studies Lesson Notes, English Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 English Studies, JSS3 English Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 English Studies Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 English Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 English Studies Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 English Studies Second Term
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