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There are four laws of chemical combination which describe the general features of a chemical change.

(a) Law of conservation of mass: This law was established by Lavoisier, a French chemist. The law of conservation of mass states that matter is neither created nor destroyed during chemical reaction, but changes from one form to another.

Experiment to verify the law of conservation of matter (mass)


The equation of the chemical reaction chosen for study is as follows:

Silver nitrate + sodium chloride  →  Silver chloride + Sodium trioxonitrate(v) (White precipitate)


1. Put some sodium chloride solution in a conical flask

2. Fill a small test tube with silver trioxonitrate (iv) solution of string, suspend it in a conical flask as shown below:

3. Insert the stopper and weight the whole apparatus on a balance, note the mass of the whole system.

4. Mix the two liquids by pulling the string attached to the bottom end of the small test tube.


Lesson tags: Chemistry Lesson Notes, Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions, SS1 Chemistry Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Chemistry First Term, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions, SS1 Chemistry Objective Questions First Term
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