You must complete Living a Life of Witnessing to Christ to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Social Vices and Witnessing to Christ
  2. Tolerance and Peaceful Co-existence
  3. Civic Responsibilities (1 Pet. 2:13-17)


Social Vices and Witnessing to Christ

Social vices are defined as the negative tendencies, habits and practices carried out by citizens of a community. These vices work against the peace and progress of such community. Some of these social vices ranged from oppression, corruption, cheating, drunkeness, injustice, greed, bribery and corruption, adultery, drug-abuse, stealing, immorality, and the latest called suicide bombings that become serious security challenges in Nigeria. The Bible says ‘They sell their righteousness for silver and the poor for a pair of shoe’. (Amos 2:6) They trampled the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and turned aside the afflicted.


  1. Enumerate some social vices and their consequences.


Tolerance and Peaceful Co-existence

Meaning of Peaceful Co-existence

Peaceful co-existence means living together peacefully in one house, compound, village, town, state or one country. Without peaceful co-existence there cannot be a home, a compound, a village, a town, a state or a country.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS1 CRS Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Objective Questions, SS1 CRS Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 CRS Third Term
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