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Maintenance of household linen is done through the following:

  1. Dirty or soiled linen such as bed sheets should be kept in a covered basket or laundry bag until they can be laundered.
  2. Some linen such as napkins and floor cloths should be washed immediately after each use.
  3. Care must be taken to remove all stains during the washing process.
  4. Washed linen should be properly ironed.
  5. Air the linen properly.
  6. Fold the aired linen properly.
  7. Heavy linen such as bed sheets should be stored in dry airy shelves in a cupboard. Storage shelves should be strong.
  8. Small light articles, such as tea cloths, napkins, place-mat, may be kept in drawers.
  9. Cover stored linen with muslin or other suitable material to prevent dust from settling on them.
  10. Similar articles, e.g. sheets, pillow cases, towels, etc. should be kept together.
  11. Mend the linen as soon as a tear is noticed.
  12. Keep linen in good repair as long as possible.


Care of Kitchen Linen

  1. Wash each kitchen linen after use.

Lesson tags: Home Economics Lesson Notes, Home Economics Objective Questions, JSS2 Home Economics, JSS2 Home Economics Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Home Economics Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Home Economics First Term, JSS2 Home Economics Objective Questions, JSS2 Home Economics Objective Questions First Term
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