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Methods Of Constructing Scales

There are two methods of constructing scales, namely with and without key signatures. To construct a scale with key signature, the key signature is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef.

Fixing of Major Keys with Sharp Key Signature into Staff or Stave

Methods of constructing scales - Fixing of Major Keys with Sharp Key Signature into staff or stave

Methods of constructing scales - Fixing of Major Keys with Sharp Key Signature into staff or stave


Construction of key G major scale with key signature

G major uses one sharp as key signature. This sharp is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef. Then the scale is written beginning with the tonic G and runs through to the octave (the upper tonic) G.

G major key signature

G Major With Key Signature

D major scale with key signature

Another method of scale construction is without key signature. In this method, the key signature is not written at the beginning of the staff, rather the accidentals (sharps or flats) are written inside the staff beside the notes that require them. Examples:

G Major Without Key Signature

G major without key signature

D Major Scale With and Without Key Signature

D major scale with and without key signature




  1. Without key signature, construct key E major scale on the manuscript.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Music, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Music Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Music First Term, JSS2 Music Objective Questions, JSS2 Music Objective Questions First Term, Music Lesson Notes, Music Objective Questions
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