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  1. Meaning of Democracy
  2. Features of Democracy


Meaning of Democracy

Democracy can be defined as a system of government in which the supreme power is vested in the hands of the people and it is exercised directly or indirectly.

Democracy can also be defined as government in the hand of the majority.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln who was the American president defined democracy as “the government of the people by the people and for the people”.

Democracy started in Greece where qualified adult gathered together to discuss issues affecting their communities.  Later, democracy was developed or built upon by the Americans.

Features of Democracy

  1. There must be supremacy of the constitution to guide peoples’ conducts and government actions
  2. There must be periodic elections through which citizens elect their leaders
  3. There must be adoption of universal suffrage All qualified adults have right to vote and be voted for
  4. There should be free and fair elections
  5. There should be freedom of the press
  6. There is separation of powers, i.e.

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