- The Meaning of Marriage
- Functions of Marriage
- Moral Lessons
The Meaning of Marriage
Gen. 2: 22-25, Eph. 5:21-31
Marriage is the legal union or relationship between a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage was instituted by God right from the time of creation. After creating Adam, God saw that it was not good the man to be alone, He decided to make a woman as a help-meet for man. Therefore the original plan of God was and is still that a matured man and a matured woman will come together as husband and wife. The idea of homosexuals/lesbians i.e. people of the same sex getting married or sleeping together as married people is a sin. Polygamists i.e. a man marrying many wives is not God’s plan for His people. This is not according to the word of God and should be discouraged. All these are evil practices of men that are against God’s plan for man.
Functions of Marriage
The following are the functions of marriage:
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