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  1. Introduction to Agricultural Ecology and Ecosystem
  2. Meaning of Agro-ecology and Ecosystem
  3. Definition of Agricultural Ecology
  4. Components of Farm Ecosystem
  5. Interactions of the Terrestrial and Aquatic Agro Ecosystem

Introduction to Agricultural Ecology and Ecosystem

The goal of agriculture is to provide food for the nation. The business of agriculture is carried out within the ecosystem. Therefore the environment is very important because it constitutes all the physical surrounding around us. All the living organisms that have been domesticated by man in agriculture are all the components of the environment. These domesticated plant and animal species interact together in the environment to form the agro-ecological system.  

Meaning of Agro-ecology and Ecosystem

Ecology is the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment. The study of an individual organism or a single species is termed autecology while the study of groups of organisms is called synecology. Human activites have interfered with the complex ecological relationships. Such human activities include agricultural activities like:
  • Large scale farming that involves the use of pesticides, herbicide, insecticides etc.
  • Expansive land clearing
  • Oil exploration.
  • Construction
  • Urbanization
These have seriously disturbed the natural balance in the ecosystems.  

Definition of Agricultural Ecology

Lesson tags: Agricultural Science Lesson Notes, Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Agricultural Science First Term, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions, SS1 Agricultural Science Objective Questions First Term
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