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Meaning of System Software

System software consist of the program that control or maintain the operations of the computer and its devices. It serves as the interface between the user, the application software and the computer’s hardware. They are programs that enhance the performance operations of computer.

Types of System Software

  1. Operating System
  2. Language Translators
  3. Utilities
  4. Device Driver

1. Operating System:

This is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices. It also contains instructions that allow users to run application software. When a user starts a computer, portions of the operating system (OS) load into memory from the computer’s hard disk. It remains in memory while the computer is on. The operating system provides a means for users to communicate with other software.

Types of system software - Operating system software


Types of system software - Examples of operating system software


Examples of Operating System

(i) Microsoft Disk Operating System(MS-DOS)

(ii) Windows OS

(iii) Linux

(iv) Unix

(v) Xenix

(vi) Ubuntu

(vii) Novell Netware

(viii) MAC OS

(ix) Symbian OS

(x) Palm OS

(x) JAVA etc.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Computer Studies First Term, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Computer Studies Objective Questions First Term
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