1. Meaning of Human Trafficking
  2. Factors Responsible for Children and Women Trafficking.
  3. Consequences of Human Trafficking


Meaning of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings, especially children and women for the purpose of commercial sex, sexual exploitation or forced labour, a modern day form of slavery. The traffickers take away the basic human rights of the victim.

Human trafficking - Child traffickingHuman Trafficking – a Form of Modern Slavery

Human traffickingPeople are mostly trafficked through the seas, on boats and ships


  1. What is trafficking in children and women?
  2. Mention and explain 5 factors that are responsible for women and children trafficking.


Factors Responsible for Children and Women Trafficking

Some of the reasons for children and women trafficking are:

(i) Lack of employment opportunities: The economic downturn in some poor countries which have left thousands of people jobless is one of the factors responsible for trafficking in persons.

(ii) Organized crime: The traffickers for the purpose of engaging in crime lured their victims and use them for illegal and violent crimes on fees.

(iii) Regional imbalances: When the borders of some countries are very porous, it is easy to transport and harbour victims of trafficking.

(iv) Economic disparities: The economic situation of some countries like the less developed countries where there is high level of poverty and unemployment encourages trafficking.

(v) Desire for material benefits: On the part of the parents and the women who are trafficked, desire for material benefits, money and not being contented with their position in life are other reasons.

(vi) Corruption in government: The corruption of government officials which affect the economy of the country may encourage this kind of trade.

(vii) Political instability: Political instability encourages anarchy which brings about social vices.

(viii) Armed conflict: During wars and international conflicts, this vice is always rampant as women and children are often abused.

(ix) Profitability: The profits realized by the traffickers from their victims also encourage it.

(x) Insufficient penalties against traffickers: If the law recommends weak penalties for offenders, it can be encouraged.

(xi) Influence of peer groups: Some people are easily influenced by their age groups who appear successful in using their bodies to make money-particularly from outside the country.

Consequences of Human Trafficking

The following are the consequences of human trafficking

1. Physical Consequences

  • Children and women who are trafficked suffer many physical damages. For example, some travel long distances, sometime in difficult terrain like desert. Many die as a result of being physically exhausted on such journeys.
  • Children especially are subjected to physical hardship as they are used as house helpers, hawkers of goods on the roads and in market.
  • Physical and sexual abuse of trafficking persons lead to psychological trauma and fear.
  • Victims stand the risk of having HIV/AIDS or STIs.

2. Psychological Consequences

  • The psychological effect lead to retardation in the victims lives.
  • When children and women who are trafficked later realized the injustice and deprivation suffered as a result of being victims of human trafficking, they become depressed and ashamed of themselves and their resent past.
  • Since the trade is carried out in the secret, those involved are afraid of to make it public. They are afraid of law enforcement agencies.
  • The victim may end up becoming a deviant and constitute danger to the society.

3. Social Consequences

  • No matter the money made, especially by the women involved, they are usually not respected in the society.
  • The women may never get someone to come and ask for her hand in marriage.
  • The children involved may never have the opportunity to go to school.
  • These activities bring shame to the families of those involved.



  1. Mention two (2) physical consequences of human trafficking.
  2. State one (1) social consequence of human trafficking.
  3. Highlight two (2) psychological consequences of human trafficking.
Lesson tags: JSS3 Social Studies, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Social Studies First Term, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions First Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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