1. Meaning of Farm Animals
  2. Types of Farm Animals
  3. Characteristics of Farm Animals

Meaning of Farm Animals

Farm animals are animals that are reared by man for different purposes such as food supply, income generation, clothing materials, etc. Examples include goats, sheep, rabbits, poultry, cattle, pigs, fish, snails, etc.

Types of Farm Animals

The following are the forms of farm animals:
  1. Work animals
  2. Dairy animals
  3. Guard animals
  4. Poultry
  5. Pets
  6. Aquatic animals

1. Work Animals:

These are animals that are used for work on the farm. They are used for carrying loads, ploughing, harrowing and ridging e.g cattle, [Sokoto Gudali, White Fulani], (in forms of bull and bullock). Such animals are called draught animals. The normal output of a working bull is about 500W compared to that of a man which about 75W. Work animals are also used for transportation and carrying of load e.g. horses, camels and donkeys. Such animals are referred to as beasts of burden. They have the ability to survive or travel long distance without water.

Characteristics of Work Animals

The following are the characteristics of work animals:
  1. They are well built with good body conformation.
  2. They can survive or travel long distance without water.
  3. They are rugged and have very great strength.
  4. They have strong hind limbs.
  5. They are docile and tolerant.
Farm Animals - Work animals - bull

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