• Meaning of Environmental Pollution
  • Types of Environmental Pollution

Meaning of Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution is the introduction of unwanted materials into the environment, thereby making it unfit for human habitation.

Types of Environmental Pollution

The following are types of environmental pollution

  1. Air Pollution.
  2. Water Pollution.
  3. Land Pollution.
  4. Noise Pollution.

Others include:

  1. Visual Pollution.
  2. Thermal Pollution.
  3. Radioactive Pollution.

Air Pollution

This is the addition of harmful substances to the atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health and quality of life. Examples of such pollutants are smoke, carbon monoxide dust, etc.

Water Pollution

This is the contamination of streams, lakes, underground, water, bags or oceans by substances harmful to living things e.g. oil spillage, faces sewage, etc.

Land Pollution

Land pollution involves the deposition on the land of solid waste e.g. Wed cars, cans bottles, plastic containers paper etc.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Physical and Health Education, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Objective Questions, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Physical and Health Education Third Term, Physical and Health Education Lesson Notes, Physical and Health Education Objective Questions
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