You must complete The Central Processing Unit (CPU) to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Description of the Memory Unit
  2. Types of Memory
  3. Description of Primary Memory
  4. Description of Secondary Memory


Description of the Memory Unit

The computer memory is the storage locations where data, programs and information are stored electronically, which can be recalled, erased or changed.  Memory can also be defined as the work area in the computer where data can be held, copied and retrieved.

Other terms used for memory are main memory, main storage, primary storage, internal memory, and core storage.

Types of Memory

There are two main types of memory, these are;

1. Primary Storage/main memory

2. Secondary Storage/Auxiliary memory


1. The Primary Memory

Primary storage is called ‘primary’ because it is the main memory that is accessible to the CPU. It represents the core or internal storage areas of the computer system. It is used to store data that are currently being used; for this reason, the main memory is also called Immediate Access Storage (IAS).

Lesson tags: Computer Science Lesson Notes, Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions, SS2 Computer Science Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 Computer Science First Term, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions, SS2 Computer Science Objective Questions First Term
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