You must complete Introduction to Information Transmission to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Introduction
  2. Printing
  3. Telephone
  4. Global Systems for Mobile communication (GSM)
  5. Telex
  6. Radio
  7. Television
  8. Facsimile (Fax)
  9. Satellite
  10. Internet


With modern inventions in communication, many ancient methods have been replaced with more efficient modern ways of transmitting information. These include the following:
  1. Printing
  2. Telephone
  3. Global Systems for Mobile communication (GSM)
  4. Telex
  5. Radio
  6. Television
  7. Facsimile (Fax)
  8. Satellite
  9. Internet, etc.


Information transmission by printing involves the production of information on paper using typewriter or others printing device/machine. Modern Methods of Transmitting Information - Printing

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies, JSS1 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS1 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS1 Computer Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS1 Computer Studies Third Term
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